Another busy month which started with marking National Anti-bullying week. This year the theme ‘Choose Respect’ is
already a part of our school culture as Respect is one of our school Christian values. Odd socks Day is always a
favourite for the children celebrating that we are all different, we should be ourselves, accepting of one another and
celebrate difference.
Thank you also for supporting the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal raising £167.05.
We marked Remembrance Day with our 2 minutes silence remembering those who lost their lives serving in the two
word wars and other conflicts. We raised a fabulous £167.05 for The British Legion, a huge thank you to all.
Law and Order Curriculum Enrichment Day was a great success, everyone learnt lots about our British Value, The Rule
of Law – Class 1 enjoyed learning about stranger danger the importance of a safe stranger if they were ever to get
lost. They loved trying on the police hats and being inside the police van. We also liked meeting the judge and
discovering that the wig a judge wears is made of horsehair