Newsletter Archive
14th July and 21st July
What a very busy end to this academic year and as always lots of fun has been had by all!Last week our Year 6 children received their KS2 SAT’s results and we were so very proud of each and every one of them. The KS2 results were fantastic – congratulations! Class 3...
30th June and 7th July
Another extremely busy fortnight. Last week everyone thoroughly enjoyed Sports, Health and Wellbeing week. Highlights definitely included the hexathlon, Scootfit and our visit from Jasmine from Thirsk, World Record Holder swimmer and rower. Apologies that we had to...
12th and 19th May
Another busy fortnight for all.Last week we were very proud of all our Year 6 children who completed their statutory Year 6 KS2 SAT’s week.Everyone showed positive attitudes, tried their very best in every test and the highlight of the week was mostcertainly their...
25th April and 5th May
Another busy and fun fortnight for all!Last week our Year 5 and 6 Netball and Football teams thoroughly enjoyed taking part in cluster matches atEasingwold Primary School. All the Class 3 children that took part showed great sportsmanship, skill and team spirit!Thank...
31st March and 21st April
Welcome back to the Summer term, we hope everyone had a restful and fun Easter holiday!It most certainly was a busy final week to the Spring term. Class 2 did a wonderful production all about Ancient Egyptwhich was not only enjoyed by every child in the school, but...
3rd and 10th March 2023
Another busy fortnight for all. Last Thursday all the children enjoyed celebrating World Book day. Instead of dressing up, the children transformed a wooden spoon into a favourite book character. The book character spoons were amazing and it was lovely that so many...
10th and 24th February 2023
Welcome back, what a busy first week of the second half of the spring term. I hope everyone had a lovely half term holiday. The week before half term we marked Safer Internet Day, Children’s Mental Health Week and NSPCC Number Day..
27th and 3rd February 2023
Your fortnightly note from your Headteacher…It certainly has been a very busy fortnight for all. The whole school enjoyed our China curriculum enrichment day last week with ‘The Chinese New Year’ and ‘Chinese Culture’ being a focus for the children’s...
13th and 20th January 2023
Your fortnightly class summary from..Another busy fortnight, including all children from Year 1 upwards taking part in their pupil voice groups.HEGG have been focusing on Eco tasks this term, creating signs to help us remember to save energy. They will bepresenting in...
6th January 2023
Happy New Year to all and best wishes for 2023! It was lovely to welcome all our children back in to school this week for the Spring term. Firstly, I would like to very warmly welcome a new member of staff, Mrs Gears to our Husthwaite family. Mrs Gears will be working...