Pupil premium is funding that we receive from the government in addition to our main school funding, to benefit pupils who are deemed to be from a disadvantaged background. Specifically, Pupil Premium funding is targeted for those pupils in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) or those who have received FSM in the last 6 years (Ever6) or have been ‘looked after’ by the local authority continuously over the last 6 months (CLA). There is also a smaller amount of funding for pupils who have a parent in the Armed Services. Though there is no specific directive on how the money should be spent it is clear that the money should be spent in initiatives which narrow the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achievers and to overcome any barriers to learning.
“Additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils is used effectively. It is used to make sure that all pupils can engage fully in all school activities. This shows a good commitment to equality of opportunity for all. Bespoke plans identify the needs of each pupil.” Ofsted 2019
Pupil Premium Leader(s):
Miss Fiona Bennett (Headteacher) |
Miss Gemma Goodchild (SENDCO) |
Pupil Premium Governor:
Mrs Louisa Carolan |